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Level 2

Add SQL User

I need my installer to execute one SQL script on one database, then add a user to the mysql database on the same server. Currently, I have it set up with two separate connections to handle the different databases. Under one connection, I have the main script, and under the other connection, I have the following script to add the user:

use mysql;
grant all on testdatabase.* to Test@'%' identified by 'tester';
flush privileges;

However, no matter how many ways I try to change things around, Installshield doesn't seem to want to add the user. I have the batch separator variable set to semicolon (;).

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to resolve this?

Your help is greatly appreciated!
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(2) Replies
Level 17

Do you receive any errors from your InstallShield setup? Also, are you able to run the SQL script successfully from the MySQL Command Line Client tool?
0 Kudos
Level 5

mmmh, why don't you use an additional SQL Script?
0 Kudos