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Level 3

how do I set up VM arguments

I'm trying to add the following VM arguments every time the launcher starts my program:

-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger -Xmx1024M

Where can I put this so that it takes effect?

I tried to place it in the "arguments" field from where I set my main class, but that doesn't seem to work. That only seems to be for program arguments, not VM arguments. I can tell it's not working because the log file is always empty when I run the installed version of the program, but when I run it in eclipse, it works fine.

I should also mention that I tried putting my VM arguments in the 'config' panel of the 'Project' tab under the "Optional Installer Arguments" field. This also doesn't seem to work.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

For -Xmx, perhaps look at; for the other, perhaps look at The help topic "LAX Properties" has more information.
0 Kudos
Level 3

thanks for the assist!
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