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Level 7

Way to access some bundled file in pre-install

I want use file during pre-install.
I can bundle it as installation files. But how do I access this file during pre-install?
If it possible to use the zip file during pre-install, how to unzip it?
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(6) Replies
Level 7

In this post.. there is no solution provided 😞
do u know any solution to this?
0 Kudos
Level 7

so sad... 😞
don't know why i am not able to access zerog forum for installanywhere
i get this error...
Ikonboard CGI Error Ikonboard has exited with the following error:

/home/webadmin/websites/community/cgi-bin/Skin/ did not return a true value

This error was reported at: (eval 15) line 1.

Please note that your 'real' paths have been removed to protect your information.

I think it is bcoz i m not logged in. It doesnt allow new registrations.
I some how was able to access couple of links from google cache 😞
Can you provide some login info to me..
there are really amazing posts on zerog..
for example: i can see this link;act=Search;CODE=02;SID=49e45d5036beb372;st=0
but can not open any of the posts.
May be login will solve the problem
0 Kudos
Level 20

Thanks for updating my post about the community site. It's true that I've still have my old account and it seems that the cookie login hasn't expired... but I'm afraid to test logout and login in order to see if I'm experienced the same behavior like you (I'm afraid not to remain locked out from these forums which is true that they still hold a wealth of information). AFAIK there was an intention of migrating them... but most likely the task was to complicated...
0 Kudos
Level 7

so there seems to be no solution to this problem of having some file available in pre-install..
(i could read any posts on zerog.. bcoz of site unavailability 😞 )
Please let me know, if there is any solution..

What i am thinking of doing is..
along with the install.exe bundle the file with it.. e.g. contains -> install.exe + someFile

and use the file runtime.. we know the location of the file..(i.e along with install.exe)
Is this approach ok?
0 Kudos
Level 20

You'll have to use a plugin named ExtractToFile in order to extract resources from the installer:
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