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Level 3

Starting tomcat


After installation, I want to call a .bat file which resides in tomcat directory.

In Post-install, create an Execute Script/Batch File.

Then what command must be written to work this batch file?

I want to call startup.bat file under "apache-tomcat-6.0.37/bin/startup.bat" which resides under my install directory?

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(9) Replies
Level 7


You could store the apache install location using an InstallAnywhere variable and then use that in the execute batch file action. Something like $APACHE_INSTALL_LOCATION$/bin/startup.bat
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Level 3


Apache is already included to the installation files. So the statement I wrote is below.

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Level 7

Yes, that should be fine, provided apache-tomcat is the actual directory you have apache installed. Are you facing any issues with that?
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Level 3

Tomcat is portable. Actually when I double click on startup. bat command line appears and works fine (Normal behaviour: Command line window always appears ).

But with this command there is no window opening.When I investigate logs, it logs as Successful.

Am I doing something wrong?

You can simply test it with downloading tomcat (zip) from the link

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Level 7

After the installation is complete, check if apache tomcat service has started. I don't think it matters if the command line window opens or not. What is the exact issue you're facing?
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Level 3

Service is not starting. Thats the exact problem.
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Level 7

Ok. Is the CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME set before you start the service?
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Level 3

In installanywhere application, I did not set any of them. Is it necessary?

But the .bat file that I'm trying to work, includes these assignments.
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Level 3

Also there is one more problem.

I'm creating a simple project and adding a readme.txt file into files. In post install I'm adding an execute file action. As target file, I'm choosing that readme.txt file. After installation there is no txt file opens.

Is it normal?

Note: I'm doing no other settings.
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