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Level 2

Reporting of error/warnings - How do you achieve it with $INSTALL_SUCCESS$ read-only?

Hi, I'm hoping someone here can share with me how they deal with warnings and errors in their InstallAnywhere derived installers.

We have moved this year from the very old ISMP v5.03 installer to IA2010SP1 for v8 of our product. The installer has to call a number of external commands, all of which need error handling. There is a lot of logic in making sure everything has run correctly and reporting that status to the user. At first I thought we could set $INSTALL_SUCCESS$ to the appropriate value to cause the 'Install Complete' panel to show the correct msg to the user. But I have since realised that $INSTALL_SUCCESS$ is read-only :eek: and thus we can't set it to say there was a non-fatal error (for example). The same applies to the $RESTART_NEEDED$ variable.

How do other projects deal with errors from external installer steps when examining the return codes? How do you effect the final 'Install Complete' screen to show the correct msg? I'm hoping there is a simple generic solution and that we don't need to write a completely custom installation complete panel. That seems mad when the IA one does exactly what we need for all but being able to set a variable? :mad:

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(1) Reply
Level 7

I had a brilliant idea, which I posted in a similar thread,
Hope this helps.
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