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Level 3

New User Question - Flow Control on Installation Phase back to Preinstall?

Hi, I'm pretty new to InstallAnywhere, but I have been tasked with modifying an existing InstallAnywhere installer to eliminate multiple prompts (from different executables called in the installation process) for the same username / password needed for setting up services and database connections and so on. I have set up a panel in the pre-installation section to input these values and the target executable will take those values as parameters and return a non-zero error status if the credentials are invalid.

If there's an error status, I'd like to display an error message and then jump back to the preinstallation panel where I requested the credentials and then resume normal flow into the Installation section again. I'm confused by the lack of Jump Labels and Jump Actions in the Installation section. How do I do what I want to do? If it's not possible, then I am wondering what use it is getting the return status from the executable?


Minneapolis, MN
Labels (1)
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(2) Replies
Level 7


You can try to validate the inputs at pre-install phase itself. Is it necessary to go to the install phase and then check their validity?
0 Kudos
Level 3

RamyaVenkatesh wrote:
You can try to validate the inputs at pre-install phase itself. Is it necessary to go to the install phase and then check their validity?

No, that should work. I was confused by the launch target executable task only being an option in the Install phase. It looks like the execute batch/script action in the Pre-Install phase does the same thing.

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