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Level 4

Missing files after installation (InstallAnywhere 2008 VP1)


I seems to be having issues with building the installers, it seems to happen via a command line build yet the build is successful, only once we install a system are random files missing out of the installer. I then open the installer, build it and reinstall and then the files reappear, its never the same files and only seems to happen when building via the command line.

I have a build log of a command line where the installer missed a whole directory, i have only added extracts here as its quite large.

some of the extracts which dont seem right
Cleaning up...

XMLScriptWriter: No Installation Objects were skipped
Processing external properties...
Saving external properties...
ExternalPropertySaver.saveObjectsExternalProperties: GUIComponentData.bidiOption
returned an unsupported type for externalization: class java.lang.Integer
ExternalPropertySaver.saveObjectsExternalProperties: GUIComponentData.bidiOption

this happens quite a few times. followed by:

returned an unsupported type for externalization: class java.lang.Integer
GUIComponentData.getBidiOption() returned an unlocalizable value: Integer
GUIComponentData.getBidiOption() returned an unlocalizable value: Integer

and successful:

Compile and copy: 10 s, 641 ms
Updating project pieces: 328 ms
Writing project to file: 9 s, 906 ms

Copying common files: 94 ms
Copying platform specific files: 296 ms
Windows : Optimizations 39 s, 407 ms
Windows -VM: web 7 s, 782 ms
Windows +VM: web 1 m, 19 s, 64 ms
Linux (web) : Optimizations 20 s, 297 ms
Linux -VM: web 2 s, 78 ms
Linux +VM: web 5 s, 485 ms
Solaris (web) : Optimizations 24 s, 828 ms
Solaris -VM: web 2 s, 219 ms
Solaris +VM: web 5 s, 672 ms
Solaris-sparc (web):
Optimizations 30 s, 79 ms
Solaris-sparc-VM: web 2 s, 640 ms
Solaris-sparc+VM: web 7 s, 47 ms
FreeBSD61 (web) : Optimizations 29 s, 16 ms
FreeBSD61 -VM: web 2 s, 485 ms
FreeBSD61 +VM: web 5 s, 813 ms
Web applet : 266 ms
Total build time: 5 m, 2 s, 552 ms
Build successful
Labels (1)
0 Kudos
(4) Replies
Level 4


>> Why this bidiOption message is displaying when we add a label or text field etc in GetUserInput Panel ?
>> Please let us know the root cause of this exception and what we need to do for resolving it completely. Thanks for your valuable advise.

0 Kudos
Level 20

You should enforce the strict checking of resources before building your installers, this way you'll see if files are missing for the build.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Please find attachment of enforcement setting, is there any other place that this can be done?
0 Kudos
Level 20

AFAIK no, this is the only one to set it.
0 Kudos