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Level 7

InstallScript determine if printer driver is installed...

I want to determine if a printer driver is installed. I have been searching for a way to do this with a predefined method but I'm not finding much of anything useful.

The engineer who wrote the driver has a query he runs to determine if it is installed and I want to incorporate this into my script. Is there an easy way to run a query from code?

Basically I want a way to find out if the driver is present or to run this SQL query but I don't know if either is possible or worth the trouble.

Sorry if this sounds like a N00b question but I wear two hats and this hat (I always imagine it looks like a bowler hat) I only wear when we need something done. Any and all help is very appreciated...
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(3) Replies
Level 20

What is this SQL query and what are the prerequisites to run it?
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Level 7

Not sure. I don't have access to it right now but it shouldn't matter too much.

I'm just trying to run a query on a user's computer (no remote/server/etc installation just machine to machine) and parse the return using InstallScript.

I'm looking for a simple way to execute the query in script. I didn't find any simple tuturials or examples on how to do this (unless I completely missed something).
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Level 20

If it's an external command there is IA built-in support for that. If you need to connect to some SQL server, be that on the same machine, things get a little more complicated.
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