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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

InstallAnywhere 2008 and silent installation

Hi all,
I need to generate silent properties file automatically.
I implemented all changes described in the user guide.

I installed my application running:
install.bin -r /data/

Here below the content of the generated file:
% cat /data/
# Thu Dec 06 10:48:01 GMT 2007
# Replay feature output
# ---------------------
# This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
# It contains variables that were set by Panels or Consoles.

So, it is empty :confused: No variables/values are listed ...

Can someone help me on this?

Thanks a lot in advance,
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(7) Replies
Level 2

Have you found a solution to your problem?
We are facing a similar situation.
What we want is when we start our installer with the '-r' option the resulting respnose file should have all properties / varialbes that were set by even the Custom Panels / Consoles.
Our response file has only the following:

#Destination Location
USER_INSTALL_DIR={our desired install folder}

since that property is being set using the 'Choose Install Folder' panel, which is a standard InstallAnywhere panel.

Any feed back / pointers would be great.
0 Kudos
Level 2

It looks like you can register variables with the Replay Manager using the following call...

ReplayVariableManager.e().a("YOUR_VARIABLE", "A Description of your variable");

If you do this then YOUR_VARIABLE should show up in when you use the -r option.
0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks bradbeck! This is the answer I've been looking for.

I created a CustomCodeConsoleAction and made the call to ReplayVariableManager and the response file contained the variable I wanted defined.

Why isn't this part of the CustomCodeConsoleProxy class? Or documented somewhere or in an example? It just feels incomplete to me.
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Not applicable

upgrade to VP1. this pack fixes this problem
0 Kudos
Level 2

I created this file mannualy by custom code action. You can got all variables by the following code:

Hashtable sortedVariables = VariableManager.c().getSortedVariables()
0 Kudos
Level 7

Where is the response file created? What is the name of the file?
0 Kudos
Flexera Alumni

Please see the help topic "Generating Response Files".
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