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Level 3

Deploy EAR on WebSphere 6.1

I am trying to depoy a sample EAR file WebSphere 6.1 using IA2008 but no luck so far. I added the WAS6.1 server host. and then added the Depoy EAR action but I alwasy get error log: "Could not find driver at the specified path. Check that server path is accurate:
* Could not find driver at the specified path. Check that server path is accurate.


My server subtask is like this:
Server Type: WebSphere 6.1
Server Path: $PROFILE_HOME$ ( this I am setting in pre-install task .... entered by user)
Host: Localhost
Port: 8880

My deploy EAR action looks like this:
Existing archive: $USER_INSTALL_DIR$$\$installableApps$\$DefaultApplication.ear

I know my server is running on same m/c ( localhost) on SOAP 8880 port. Also I print both $PROFILE_HOME$ and $USER_INSTALL_DIR$ variables and both are pointing to correct paths.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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(2) Replies
Level 9

there is one more workaround for this .
You can ask or detect the WEBSPHERE_HOME and move it to the right place inside the application server
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Level 2

Did you ever resolve this issue. I am trying to deploy and ear and am having the same problems. "Could not find driver at the specified path. Check that server path is accurate:
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