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Level 4

Can't make the license agreement locale

Hi all,
I'm trying to make a multi language installer, and the license agreement file is different for each locale.
I have tryed editing the locale file and changing the license agreement file name, but the installer says it can't find the file.

Also, I try to change the label of a panel, but it allways goes back to "Get User Input". The funny thing is that in English it says a different thing, but in the second locale, it won't change.

Thanks for the help
Alberto E.
Labels (1)
0 Kudos
(11) Replies
Level 20

Quoting from the manual (localization section) (it's from an older manual, you should check your manual, maybe it got updated):

Localizing Resources
InstallAnywhere 8.0

The developer may find that they want to localize resources (such as License Agreements, side panels, billboards, and custom icons) for specific countries. This is possible in InstallAnywhere. Actions such as the License Agreement Panel and LaunchAnywhere serialize the paths and filenames to their resources as well as their dynamic strings to the locale files. The developer can then change these paths and the filenames. For example, to localize the License Agreement:

Make sure to include every resource in the Install task. Installers will not have access to resources not specified in this task.

Find the line in the locale file that contains the text LicenseAgr.#.FileName. Specify the filename of the file that contains the localized license agreement (for instance, License_fr.html). Do not type the fully qualified absolute pathname to the file—just the filename itself.

Find the line that contains the text LicenseAgr.#.Path. Specify the path name to the file that contains the localized license agreement (on the local filesystem).
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks pv7721,
That's what I'm doing, I change the file name in the locales file, but when I try the installer, it says "Unable to locate the selected file." instead of showing my locale license file.
The file I'm using it's in the Install task, and the path is the same as the other license agreement (the english one) but I can only see the english license agreement, not the locale.
0 Kudos
Level 20

Would it be possible for you to post your project or at least a sample project that reproduces your issue?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks for helping pv7721,

I have attached a zip file containing a sample project that reproduces my problem.

There are two sample license files, one in english and the other one in spanish. I set the default license file with the english file, and then in the locales file, I change it for the spanish locale. Both files are in the install action, so both are going to be installed in the client.
By the way, there is a "Get User Input" panel, and I've changed the panel's label, but it only works in english. In the spanish locale it allways says "Get User Input".

Thanks a lot for everything
Alberto E.
0 Kudos
Level 4

No one has any other idea?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Hey something similar issue.
For all the locale related strings, i am using the Project->Locales->Resource Bundle.Which basically uses a properties file for locale messages.
How this resource bundle can be used for license agreement.?
0 Kudos
Level 4

I finally found a solution. I placed both license agreement files in the project directory, named licence_en.txt and licence_es.txt.
I added both of them in the install task, and set the destination to the magic folder "Do not install".
I set the english version as the default license agreement file in the license agreement panel.
Last, I changed the locale_es file, and changed the filename from licence_en to licence_es.
I built my project, and voila!, it works now.
qqqqqq, if you want to try like this, maybe some of this may help you, good luck!
Thanks to everybody that spent some time reading this.
Alberto E.
0 Kudos
Level 7

even resource bundle thing seems to work..
just for license agreement panel path to the file would be something like..->
and in your locale files add a property like
english locale file: licensePath=C:\\license_en.txt
french locale file: licensePath=C:\\license_fr.txt

0 Kudos
Level 2

In the Project phase under Locale task check all the languages from Locale List that you would like to support.

In the pre-Install Phase chose the License Agreement file from 'path' option.

In the Install Phase add other files that you would like to be added as external resources (License Agreement files), make sure that the destination of these files is chosen as $DO_NOT_INSTALL$ folder.

Before Building In the Installer project directory, under corresponding Locale directory you will find the list of custom_ files. For each of this file, find a line LicenseAgrAction..resourceName=

put the name of the file added as external resource in the Install Phase , that represents the License Agreement of this
0 Kudos
Level 3

Before Building In the Installer project directory, under corresponding Locale directory you will find the list of custom_ files. For each of this file, find a line LicenseAgrAction..resourceName=

put the name of the file added as external resource in the Install Phase , that represents the License Agreement of this


This one seems i cant follow..can you please tell more about this one what will i do with the LicenseAgrAction line?:confused:

0 Kudos
Level 3

I got it, i need to build first so i can get the custom locale file.then add it to the licenseAgrAction line...

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