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Level 3

Build a directory structure based installer instead of a single executable file?

Hi all,

I'm working on a migration from ISMP 11.5 SP1 to IA 2008 vP1. In ISMP 11.5 SP1, I can use following properties to control if to create a single executable file or a directory structure based installer:

- "Archive Type Info" (with option Directory Archive or Single Jar Archive) in Build configuraton
- "Embed Archive" (with option False or True) in Distribution

I checked IA user guide, and found that in IA, WEB is for a single executable file, but could not find a way to create a directory structure based installer.

With a directory structure based installer, I mean a installer with a directory structure as the sample attached.

Would somebody help me on this? Thanks very much!
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(2) Replies
Level 3

I'm doing a similar migration, and worked out a trick that you may find useful:

Within the IA install project, you can refer to external resources using the "$INSTALLER_LAUNCH_DIR$" variable, which corresponds to the directory the installer executable is run from. I have a bunch of archives to extract during installation in a "modules" directory, which I refer to like this:

Existing Archive: $INSTALLER_LAUNCH_DIR$$\$modules$\$foo$\$

The only catch seems to be that I can't find any way to tell the builder to pull in those additional resources (only the install.exe gets created), so I have an install directory with all my extra files, build the executable, then copy it over to my install image for testing.

Hope that at least points you in a useful direction.
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Level 3

Thanks Chris. It works well. 🙂
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