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By Level 2 Flexeran
Level 2 Flexeran

Cloud Migration and Modernization: 2022 Q1 Release Summary

What’s in this release? Cloud Migration and Modernization has released 5 significant improvements to the Cloud Migration platform (formerly RISC) in Q1 2022, which consist of:

  1. Container Reports
    1. Users of Cloud Migration and Modernization can now access a Container discovery report in the ‘Available Reports’ page following and inventory scan, along with a list of evidence for these verdicts. This allows users to unearth containerized workloads during the discovery process. This helps to save significant time and use less manual resources to map out these previously unmapped resources.
  2. Performance Improvements
    1. The asset load view within Cloud Migration and Modernization has been optimized to a level of 1000% performance improvement, for more immediate actionable data on view in the product.
  3. Navigation from Cloud Migration and Modernization to Flexera One
    1. Cloud Migration and Modernization (Formerly RISC) now offers an easy link in the top banner to navigate to the Flexera One UI, saving time when using multiple Flexera applications.



  1. Business Service Mapping Log In within Flexera One
    1. IT Visibility customers will now see a ‘Business Services’ navigation option in the left-hand menu of Flexera one, so that customers who own this solution can easily log in from a single user interface.




  1. Cloud Migration Log In within Flexera One
    1. Cloud Cost Optimization customers will now see a ‘Cloud Migration’ navigation option in the left-hand menu of Flexera one, so that customers who own this solution can easily log in from a single user interface.
