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By Level 2 Flexeran
Level 2 Flexeran

What’s in this release? Cloud Migration and Modernization has released 4 significant improvements to the Cloud Migration platform (formerly RISC) in Q3/Q4 2021, which consist of:

  1. RN150 Validation
    1. Users of Cloud Migration and Modernization can now validate the readings of the RN150 through a series of basic troubleshooting steps like ping, saving both manual effort time and ensuring accuracy for migration efforts.
  2. Database Credential Import
    1. Users can now save significant time by bulk importing CSVs to be parsed, improving on the former method of one-by-one import.



  1. Improved User Experience
    1. The UI in Cloud Migration and Modernization has been overhauled for a more modern look and feel. A major part of this is the new highlight of stack digest information after the first dashboard page break, for more relevant customer data on login.




  1. Subnet Management
    1. Users can now manage multiple subnets at one time, as well as the new ability to remove unwanted subnets for a more manageable and effective cloud migration experience.



  1. Solaris Device Discovery
    1. Users now have the ability to discover legacy solaris device technology within Cloud Migration and Modernization, so that they are able to prioritize EOL/EOS for these legacy technologies.