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Level 4

Actual server/license file used?

Hi !

Is there a way to find out which license file on which server has been used to check out a feature?

I've plowed through the include files and found some structures which include server/license file information, but am not sure how to tell where a specific feature gets its authorization from.

Thanks for helping



(13) Replies
Level 4

Hi again!

Nobody seems to have an answer to my question. I try to reformulate it:

Is there a way to programmatically retrieve the information of how a particular feature has been granted? I.e. server, license filename and -path?

Thank you



0 Kudos
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

The below query in the reporting database, can provide information about which license server(or vendor-daemon) used to check out a feature.


Please let me know if this helps.


0 Kudos

Hi @Akshitha !

Thank you for your answer. I did not not know about any sql interface. I was more thinking of just getting the information from the CONFIG structure somewhere (if it is in there...). lmserver, for example. But I'm not sure whether that's the actual used server or only a possible licence path.Do you know? And in case there are 2 license files which could apply,  is there a way to find out which one has been used to check out a feature?



0 Kudos
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran


I don't think there can be 2 license files for the same vendor and same license server. Can you please share a screen shot if you come across such situation? It would be really helpful if you could provide a screen shot regarding the config structure (lmserver) just to be on the same page.



0 Kudos

Hi Akshitha!

I would like to have the possibility to verify that a license I check out is checked out the way I supect it to be. Having the possibilty to print something like (from inside my program which uses the flexlm libraries)

  • "featureX checked out from serverY using licensefileZ.lic" or
  • "featureX checked out using local file licensefileZ.lic"

would help to ensure that everything went okay.

I hoped to find this information in the typedef CONFIG in lmclient.h. But I may be wrong or there is no possibility to get this information at all?

Thanks for your patience 🙂




0 Kudos

Christian - can you elaborate on what is meant by checked out by a "local" license file?

0 Kudos

Hi  @kclausen 

Thank you for your answer.

With 'local' I mean a physical license file on the local computer I'm working on without the use of any lmgrd.

With 'server' I mean an lmgrd running on a computer 'somewhere'  ont the net.

I.e. an lmpath like: c:\licenses\somelocalfile.lic;@someremoteserver


I would like to know where my program actually checks out a feature



0 Kudos

I know that I can override the lmpath for a certain daemon and that way make sure that only a certain path is used to search for licenses. But I would like to know whether there is a possiblity to find out which license.lic or server actually checked out a feature without setting specific lmpaths


  • I install a licenseNew.lic on a server  with a new feature featureNewxx
  • I forgot that I had a testing licenseNewTesting.lic with featureNew on my local computer

Now I try to checkout featureNew from my program to verify that the licenseNew.lic on the sesrver is correct. The feature will check out nicesly because there exists a local license file with featureNew, but the license file on the server is wrong (because it contains the wrong feature name featureNewxx)

An information like

"featureNew checked out from local file licenseNewTesting.lic"

would help to see the problem





0 Kudos

@chris58  - If a user has a local license file (such as for a Node-Locked license) then the check out of the license would not be recorded by the License Server and therefore not be available for reporting out of the FlexLM Report Logs.

0 Kudos

@kclausen  Thanks for your answer, but it's still not the answer I'm looking for. 😉

Question was, can I, as a programmer and user of flexlm software, get the information where a feature is checked out by writing some lines of C code? Is the name of the license file and/or the name of the license server saved somewhere in a variable, member of a structure etc., so that I can retrieve that information?



0 Kudos


I'll move this thread into the proper community channel as I think you'll get better assistance there...


0 Kudos

@JohnSorensenDK  Thank you! Do I have to do anything to repost etc.?
Regards, Christian
0 Kudos


You don't have to do anything, hopefully one of our experts on this forum will be able to provide the guidance you're requesting.


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