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Updating CLS with Feature Overrides on existing feature present on CLS

Updating CLS with Feature Overrides on existing feature present on CLS


Updating the feature overrides say "Vendor String" to current linked feature to CLS doesn't get reflected at CLS /feature endpoint.


After the feature override update, trying to get the feature details from CLS /feature endpoint doesn't reflect the updated value of feature overrides on the feature.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a License Model or use an existing License Model where you do not specify Vendor String, Notice or Serial Number .
  2. Create a feature F1 with No Feature Override.
  3. Create a product P1 linked to the License Model created in Step1 and feature F1 created in step 2.
  4. Create an Entitlement using product P1 to an account say "TEST".
  5. Create a CLS to account "TEST" and link the entitlement to it.
  6. Using the /features endpoint of CLS to query the CLS to observe there is no Feature Override present.
  7. Now go the feature F1 created in Step 2 and update feature Overrides say "Vendor String"
  8. Now up on firing the /feature endpoint one can observe that, the update feature override i.e Vendor String is still not listing  as shown in below screenshot.




To workaround one can decrement or increment of any add-ons mapped to CLS that will push the feature override updates made to CLS or alternatively one can follow below:

  1. Remove any add-ons or line item mapped to the CLS instances that are affected by the feature override updates and remap.
  2. Once the status changes to License Generated, the update done in feature override reflects on the CLS as highlighted in following screenshot.



Fix Version and Resolution

This will be fixed in upcoming releases for which release version is yet not confirmed. Once the fix version is confirmed, it will be updated here.

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Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 19, 2023 09:54 AM
Updated by: