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As we continue to add more applications and releases to our Content libraries, we are focusing on aligning these applications across Application Recognition Library (ARL) and Technopedia too.
s part of this effort in aligning the Content libraries, a list of ARL applications are identified which were historically curated for specific use cases but do not adhere to our current eligibility criteria and standards.

Historically processed applications but with incomplete information like minimal category or missing classification or publisher, application details in non-english languages, various futile applications like screensavers, mobile services, certificates, connectors, loaders, builders, addons, drivers, updates, patches, fixes, and other artifacts have been reviewed.
This made coverage unpredictable and caused misalignment among libraries across other Flexera solutions.
Some references to similar exercises in the past - 2022 and 2021

What you need to know -

  • ARL applications listed in the spreadsheet attached to this post will be removed from Public ARL.
  • Evidence linked to these applications will be marked as "ignored" in public ARL.
  • If any of these applications has local evidence or is mapped to other applications in the customer environment, it will be retained as Local/Private.
  • Similarly, if any of these applications are mapped to a license in the customer environment, it will also be retained as Local/Private, and the license position will be preserved.

When –

We plan to execute this exercise in phases on March 8th and March 15th 2024 ARL releases.

A detailed list has been attached and the same has been reviewed multiple times internally and we confirm these are –

  • NOT commercial applications
  • NOT linked to SKU, PURL, Bundles, Points rules or any other licensing content
  • NOT mapped to File evidence, WMI evidence, Suite or Precedence.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or raise a support case via customer community.

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