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Level 6

FNE cannot process capability response due to unknown error code 0x7200001f

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My FlexNet-Embedded (FNE) client (using C++) becomes unable to process any more capability responses from our FlexNet Operations (FNO) server after it has acquired beyond a certain number of licenses.  To be specific, the call to FlcProcessCapabilityResponseData starts returning S_FALSE after this threshold is reached.

Until then, all activations and deactivations work fine.  But after threshold is reached, the client refuses to process responses from the server.

The threshold seems to be in the neighborhood of 177 features.  I activated 10 entitlements containing that many features with no problems.  But once I try to activate one more entitlement,   FlcProcessCapabilityResponseData  returns S_FALSE.  The error code is 0x7200001f, a value that is not defined in any of the header files.  I tried calling FlcGetLastErrorStatusCollection to get the specific error but the returned collection was null.

Note that once this starts happening, even requests to DE-activate licenses exhibit this symptom.  The request is sent, the response is received but the client cannot process it.

I have verified this this is only a problem on the client.  I looked at the request history on the FNO server and it is honoring the requests.  Its responses indicate that it is activating and deactivating any entitlement I request.  It's just that the client cannot process it.

1. So is there some API function I can call on the client to allow it to handle more licenses?
2. If not, may I rely on this unknown error code to indicate this condition
3. Is there some other API function I should call?

To be very specific here is what I do for every request is this.

  1.  I call FlcCapabilityRequestCreate to create the request
  2. I set a few vendor dictionary elements (e.g. user name) via FlcCapabilityRequestAddVendorDictionaryStringItem
  3. I call FlcCapabilityRequestSetForceResponse with true to force a response
  4. I add my activation ID  that I'm trying to activate or deactivate with FlcCapabilityRequestAddRightsId
  5.  I use FlcCapabilityRequestSetOperation with code FLC_CAPABILITY_REQUEST_OPERATION_REQUEST
  6. I use FlcCapabilityRequestGenerate to generate my request
  7. I use FlcCommCreate, FlcCommSetServer and FlcCommSendBinaryMessage to send my request

All of this works fine every time.  It's only when I go to process the response that things can change. I check the return code of every single FNE function I call.   So I am not missing any failed calls earlier in the chain.

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(1) Solution
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @jmoleary ,

It is possible you are getting that error due to the size of the capability response file.  Which version of the SDK are you using?  In the latest release, 2024.06 the maximum size of a capability response file that can be processed was increased to 2MB.  If you are not using the latest version, can you please see if it resolves your issue?  If not I'd recommend creating a support ticket if you haven't already created one so that we can capture all the relevant details.



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(7) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @jmoleary ,

It is possible you are getting that error due to the size of the capability response file.  Which version of the SDK are you using?  In the latest release, 2024.06 the maximum size of a capability response file that can be processed was increased to 2MB.  If you are not using the latest version, can you please see if it resolves your issue?  If not I'd recommend creating a support ticket if you haven't already created one so that we can capture all the relevant details.



Level 6

Yes we are using the 2020.12.0 release.  I will try to update. 

Any idea what the limit was before that increase?

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Great, thanks.  The previous limit was 200KB.

- Jim

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Level 6

Hah!  Yes that corresponds perfectly with what i saw in debugging!  The response size was over 200k in those cases

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hopefully the latest release will do the trick!  Let us know how you make out ...

- Jim

0 Kudos
Level 6

It worked thank you.  I sincerely doubt we will ever come remotely close to that buffer size but on the off chance we do, I added special code that looks for that exact build error code (0x7200001f) and any response over the old, smaller size and tells the user about it.  I'm hoping I can count on that error code still happening.

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Thanks for the update, glad to hear it resolved the problem.

- Jim

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