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.web file

When i register new update i am supposed to enter a url that ends with .web . I searched the entire site and help for this .web and nothing . The documentation really sucks and you keep wondering without reaching any thing . No step by step instructions too .
Can any one tell me where do find this .web file format ?
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(6) Replies
Level 9

I'm guessing you want to pull your update from a web page then... the .web is somewhat confusing... it means that you can use any valid extension for your web pages...
Any of the below are valid... and there's so many more, I don't even want to list them. Suffice it to say, just enter the http://mysite/folder/mypage.extension for a valid URL and you'll be ok.

0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

It's a bug.

The .web restriction notice is a validation text error that only appears when you try to enter a URL that ends in .exe, .msi, or .msp. There is no specific .web restriction. You can use any extension other than .exe, .msi, or .msp. This will be fixed in the next release.

Also here is the step-by-step topic you were looking for. Please let me know how you tried to find it, so that I can work on getting the search fixed.
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hello , thanks for reply , if i dont use .exe, .msi , then what do i use ?
I think install sheild will produce to me a differential build , which is also an exe .Now do i zip the exe to make it work ? how will it run on client if its zipped for example ?

thanks again
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran


The URL that you enter should be a web page, in HTML, JSP, ASP, or whatever your Web site uses.

In InstallShield X, 10.5 or 11, on the Build Installation tab of the Project Assistant, you can choose the Internet build option. This will create a Web page called Install.htm that you can host on your Web site.

You may know this already, but you can also use an EXE if you upgrade to the Update Service Professional edition.

Hope that helps,

--- Jim
0 Kudos
Not applicable

hello ,
Thanks again . How do i upgrade to Update Service Professional edition . Does it add extra costs ?
I am new to the install shield , didnt spend much time with it .

thanks a lot
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

There is some extra cost involved in upgrading, so I've passed your question on to Jessica in the sales department to help you get more information.

If you don't hear back from someone soon, feel free to contact her directly, her email address, which I'll send to you privately.

Best regards

--- Jim
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