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Level 2

I am at the end of my patience

I've tried everything to get this update service to work. It's been a week now and nothing. I've recently moved from WISE installer, which always worked, to this one, which seems like it should but doesn't.

My Installshield X Express projects are registered (the refresh shows that). I've added new versions, updates, and messages, but have NEVER gotten them to show up when trying the "check for updates" or the Test option from the website itself. It's insane. There is also an unnacceptable latency in removing updates and adding new ones. Get faster servers to resolve latency issues Macrovision, you can afford it.

Macrovision, my user ID is JOnysko. Please log in and see what is wrong -- try the "test" yourself.
0 Kudos
(5) Replies
Level 6

Sorry for inconvience, problem has been solved. please try again.
0 Kudos
Level 2

The "Test" option now works exactly as it should. My application, however, still shows "no updates available".
0 Kudos
Level 9

What's your Service Request number with Support? I'll check with the support engineer to see what they've discovered.


JOnysko wrote:
The "Test" option now works exactly as it should. My application, however, still shows "no updates available".
0 Kudos
Level 6

For test messages to show up from your application, you should run test utility which is available as part of sdk. once you enter correct pin # in test utility, you will be able to see test messages. For more help, please search help for 'Test your update' or 'Lifecycle View'
0 Kudos
Level 9

Also, please note that whatever value you pass in as your version number from your API call (your application) must exactly match the one registered on the publisher site.

I've seen a number of cases where someone enters 2.02.0000 on the publisher site, but then uses the API to call with a version of 2.02. That will always fail to find the version.

When in doubt, you can also use the "Testing" tab in the publisher website to see products & versions you have listed, select the one that's causing you problems, and if it works there, check your version you've set in your product.

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