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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Update not getting downloaded

Some of our users are being informed that a new version is available. They click the "Install" button in the ISUS web window. Then, instead of downloading and installing the update, they get the screen that says it completed.

But no patch is downloaded or installed. It's very confusing for our users.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour and know the cause and solution?

Thanks for the help.
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(7) Replies
Level 10

Ahhhhh. That's not good. We have not had that behavior reported to us.

Can you reproduce it with your application?
Can you reproduce it using the test center (preview)?
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I'm not able to duplicate the problem on a different PC. But it happens each time I attempt to download the update on his PC.

He has Windows 2000 and is logged in as an administrator.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I now know of another user that is experiencing the problem.

They tell me that if they click the "Download" button instead of the "Install" button, they get the "Save File as .." dialog box and when they click OK, it says "Downloading" and a second after it says "Complete".

However, nothing has been downloaded. If they try "Install" instead of "Download", the same thing happens.

So, no, this is indeed NOT good.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I am having the EXACT problem with the Installshield Update Service when I engage the "Check for Update" under Earthlink's Total Access 2004/all versions...including the current build of TA2004.1.42!! When I select any software update offered (like updating TA2004.1.42 to TA2004.1.89.0) , or even attempt to download regular software offerings (like Earthlink Accelerator)...when I click "Download", a "Save As" window appears...which says it will save "Accelrator.msi" on my desktop under "All files". OR, of the former, it will save the update TA2004.1.42.0 to TA2004.1.89.0.exe to the desktop under "all files". BUT when I click "Save", the Update Service window comes forth me the option of clicking 2 buttons: "Download" or "Install Now". If I choose "Download" IMMEDIATELY says download has completed...and pushes me to "Install Now"...which IMMEDIATELY bring up a window saying installation was a success, ands I can close the window or check for more updates to install. HOWEVER...nothing is downloaded...nothing is installed! For the record...this is occurring withn Win98SE, Earthlink's Total Access 2004 Update Service, IE6-SP1, with no anti-virus or firewall. I've deleted as much of Earthlink from my computer and least as much as what Earthlink is willing to tell me where their software has written itself into my registry! They keep telling me it will be resolved by uninstalling...and then reinstalling TA2004.1.42... I'vew tried about 20 times now...but THEY don't get it. Any solutions yet???
0 Kudos
Level 7

This is indeed a strange problem. Mainly because it seems to happen only on certain systems.

1. Browse to C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Update Service. What is the version number of Agent.exe?
2. Has the TEMP variable been set in autoexec.bat?
3. Check your Temp folder to see if it is full or is somehow locked by some process or another.
4. Does cleaning up your temp folder make any difference?
5. Are there any key under the following registry key:


6. Are you connected to the internet through a proxy?
7. Do you have a dial-up or broadband connection?
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

1. agent is 2, 13, 100, 1104. 2. no 3. I assume you mean C:\windows\ its not full. 4. Earthlink reps constantly have me deleting the contents of Temp always a fresh build of TA2004 in there. 5. THERE IS NO MENTION OF INSTALLSHIELD IN HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, or HKEY_USER. Under Earthlink's registry entry is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Earthlink\6.0\Dialer\Profiles\ ...there's quote marks: "" under UpdatesServiceUrl ... and "" under UpdatesUserName . Same is true under HKEY_USER... "") under UpdatesServiceUrl ... and "" under UpdatesUserName . NOTHING is mentioned about Installshield or UPDATE SERVICE. 6. dialup connection...proxy is not utilized. 7. dialup
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I should add...looking in Windows Explorer...under C:\ProgramFiles\Installshield Installation Information ...there are "two" folders: *THE FIRST... (+) UpdateService ...which opens to a Database folder that includes: Server= for my current Earthlink Total Access build: Version=2004.0.133.0 . NOTE: NOTHING CHANGES EVEN IF I DOWNLOAD THE CURRENT BULD AVAILABLE AT EARTHLINK: Version=2004..1.42.0 . *THE SECOND... {9F1E9E57-DD22-11D5-8B43-00105A9846E9} which is: >AppName=InstallShield Update Service SDK version 1.12 >No installer version is listed
>key0=0x0009 .....when I click "Check for Updates" brings up Installshield's Update Service window (deep blue-colored this time instead of Earthlink's Red colored window)) Its titled: "Welcome to the Update Service" and "Get the latest available updates for Update Service SDK 1.12..."
"Show Updates" and
"The Update Service does not collect any form of personally identifiable information from your computer" . ***I click the "Show Updates" button searches...and the window appears saying: "Available Updates". HOWEVER, A STRANGE THING HAS OCCURRED. WHEN I COPIED THE CONTENTS OF THAT WINDOW, AND PASTED IT HERE...WHAT I AM READING IN THE "UPDATE SERVICE" WINDOW... AND WHAT IS COPIED HERE IN THE MESSAGE BOX TO YOU... ARE NOT THE SAME!! Here's what I'm reading in the Update Service window:

Available Updates

The following updates are available for your computer. To select an update, click the Add button and then click Next to install or download the update(s)
Next > (greyed out)

Download or install selected updates.
Total items selected (0)

^^Software Updates

Update Service 2.20 Release*
Download Size: 2.04 MB, < 2 minutes and 3 seconds
Published September 24th. This release updates the runtime components of the Update Service to version 2.20. This release includes several new features and enhancements including language support.
* - Must be installed separately from other updates.


Available Updates
Warning: some messages may not have been delivered to you. Please contact your software vendor to obtain these updates. (((THIS)))

The following updates are available for your computer. To select an update, click the Add button and then click Next to install or download the update(s)

Download or install selected updates.
Total items selected (0)

Software Updates

Update Service Test Utility*
Download Size: 2.31 MB, < 2 minutes and 19 seconds
The Test Utility has been enhanced to help debug the error message "Product Not Registered". To do this, the Test Utility now displays information on all products installed on a PC that contain the Update Service runtime. (((THIS)))

Update Service 2.20 Release*
Download Size: 2.04 MB, < 2 minutes and 3 seconds
Published September 24th. This release updates the runtime components of the Update Service to version 2.20. This release includes several new features and enhancements including language support.

The Update Service did not find any available updates for this computer. (((THIS)))


* - Must be installed separately from other updates.
*** I click ADD next to Update Service 2.20 Release...then I click NEXT to Download or install selected updates...Total items selected (1) ...and I copied the contents of the window that

Total Items Selected Go back to available updates

Total = 2.04 MB, < 2 minutes and 3 seconds

Review the list of items you have chosen to download and install on your computer

Update Service 2.20 Release
Download Size: 2.04 MB
Published September 24th. This release updates the runtime components of the Update Service to version 2.20. This release includes several new features and enhancements including language support.

>>>I click "download"...a "Save As" window appears to save "InstallShieldUpdateServiceSDK.exe" under "all Files" to the desktop. I click the SAVE button ...and in the Update Service Window it says: "Update Status: Your update is being downloaded. Please wait while the Installshield Wizard downloads the update." BUT NOTHING IS DOWNLOADED...AND IMMEDIATELY A WINDOW APPEARS SAYING: Update Status : Complete
Your update installation is complete. You can close this window and return to your application or you can view more updates for this product. IT STILL SHOWS THE UPDATE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD TOO...EVEN WHEN I CLICK INSTALL NOW. IT IS DOING THE SAME THING HERE AS WITH MY ATTEMPTS TO UPDATE EARTHLINK!
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