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Level 6

Test Utilityu - Version and Installer Version Different on 1 PC

I'm in the Test Utility that comes with sdk and I'm wondering if anyone knows why the Version would be different from the Installer Version? On all pc's there the same value but I have one that they are different, anyone ever see this and know why we see it?

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(4) Replies
Level 10

By default, the Update Service only uses the major.minor portions of product version string. It ignores the build. For most setups, the versions will look something like this in the test utility:

version 2.00
installer version 2.00.2345

You can override that behavior in the installer tools and tell the Update Service to use the full version string. The method of doing this is different for each installer tool. See the following SDK help topic to determine how to do this:

"Adding the Update Service Agent to the Installation Setup"
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

0 Kudos
Level 6

Thanks for replies. But what I was seeing is version would be like 1.50 and installer version would be like 1.55.

I understand how build number is ommited by version. But this was the minor version number.

I'm not seeing it anymore, hopefully wont appear again and cuase a problem.

Thanks again
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Level 10

If your versions are completely different (1.55/ 1.50), that implies that one of your updates did not update the ISUS version properly. It changed the installer version, but not the ISUS version.
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