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Level 7

No consistency in Update Manager windows

While making a test run of our product, a beta tester noted that a different screen popped up after the initial install was complete and it was next going to check for any updates to the program. The normal screen that I've seen almost all the time is this one

But our beta tester installed the product, and noticed this one pop up.

So he uninstalled our product, reinstalled it again, and then a different window popped up...this time he saw the first window.

Why is that? Why did one of his installs load up the second window, and then the same install a few moments later load up the first window? I need to figure out the reason this happened so that we can depend upon the consistency of Update Manager. Any ideas?
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(3) Replies
Level 7

Well, it seems from the lack of help that this is a bug or that it's a known feature, but nobody knows why it behaves the way it does.

To update our situation. We ran into two more issues with loading the Update Manager after the install. These problems, along with the sparseness of help in these forums, meant we had to bag the notion of updating after the install all together. Our new workaround solution of depending on less InstallShield/Update Service features ends up working much better.
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Level 2

Well, for what it's worth, our software testers didn't mention/log anything about an inconsistency in the post-install update check. But, I will ask them to keep an eye out for it as we go through our next round of testing.

If you are willing to share, I'd be very interested in learning what your two other issues were, as I'd like to have our team keep an eye out for those issues as well.

I wish I had answers to give, but all I can say is that I'm as interested in finding solutions to these types of problems as you are. If I learn anything, I'll let you know.
0 Kudos
Level 7


Thanks for your response. Our two other issues are design related than bug related. They both deal with launching the application when the install is finished. Because many of our customers aren't too familiar with how to install and then run programs afterwards, we need the program to automatically launch when finished. However, with running an update immediately after an install, that option cannot happen. You can either auto launch the program after install, or auto update after install, but not auto launch after an update after the install. This alone stopped us from ever hoping to update after the install.

You know, now I can't remember what the last issue was. I definitely remember there was another one. But it was minor compared to the one I just mentioned. If I remember it, I'll post it here.
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