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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

No Internet connection or Update server is down

Before I add code to my application for user automated Update Services I created a windows shortcut to check for updates manually. When I test this shortcut I continue to receive the message that either I do not have an Internet connection or the Update server is unavailable/down when agent.exe is called from [ISUpdateServiceFolder]agent.exe with the argument /au[ProductCode] /AppMenu .
I know that 1) I have an Internet connection and 2) The Update server i up and running, since I have no problems registrating my update and connecting to the update file from own servers.

I use IS Express in connection with the Update Service.

any takers?

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(1) Reply
Level 6

I had a similar problem, here is how I resolved it... run the utility I had uploaded, also import the reg keys noted
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