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Level 4

My Modifications to Update Service Merge Module

I have created a modified version of the 3.1 Merge Module that has the following features:

1) Allows the developer to control whether the control panel applet and start menu shortcut are installed through a configurable property setting.

2) Removes the ISUS when the last feature (not application) requiring the update service is uninstalled. While I have not fully tested this with every possible combination, I have tested it with major upgrades using WIS 2.0 and 3.1 ISUS based applications and have observed no problems. Further testing is probably required when using different versions of ISUS.

3) Allows the ISUS to be attached to a subfeature within an application and removed and installed based on the INSTALLLEVEL of that subfeature. This allows my users to selectively install and remove the ISUS if they desire. The original distribution complete ignores this desirable feature (the removal). Further, the product is properly unregistered from ISUS when it is unselected so that orphaned entries in the ISUS manager are not present after removal if other applications are using the update service. In the original distribution, the unregistration occurs only when REMOVE="ALL" is true.

4) Properly installs in an scenario using elevated privilege installs such as those published with Active Directory Group Policy and administrative shares (msiexec /a). This is also another area that totally fails in the InstallShield implementation. It's amazing to me that I've seen no one indicate this on this thread besides myself. Does no one else support this in their distribution?

While there are a few other issues including the optional installation of possibly the manager and scheduler and maybe so more developer configuration options, I think this implementation is far more sophisticated than the original distribution. I don't see how InstallShield expects us to install this on a end users system without these capabilities present.

I have provided this modification and all associated source code to InstallShield. I am hoping they will accept the changes and integrate them into their distribution. We'll see.


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(1) Reply
Level 2


Thank you for your investigation and report. There will be a new property available in the Update Service version 4.0 merge module (being released very soon) called DWUSMANAGER (named “Include Update Manager” in the InstallShield 10.x IDE) that, when set to No (0), will result in the Update Manger, including its control panel applet and start menu shortcut, not being installed with your application. Also, we have now set the Update Manager binary, as well as all its related files, control panel applet, and start menu shortcut, as Shared and Uninstallable. So now, when the last application that bundled the Update Manager is uninstalled from the machine, the Update Manager will be uninstalled, as well.

As for your other suggestions, these are currently being reviewed by the Update Service product champion.

Thanks again,

Richard Schmid
InstallShield Update Service Release Engineer
Macrovision, Inc.
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