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Issues with FlexNet Connect on Gaming Desktop: Need Help!

Hey everyone,

I'm having some issues with FlexNet Connect on my gaming desktop [] and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced similar problems.

Here's a bit more context: I recently installed FlexNet Connect on my gaming desktop to manage software updates, but I'm having trouble getting it to work properly. Specifically, the application is not detecting any updates even though I know that there are updates available for some of my installed software.

I've tried troubleshooting this issue by checking my firewall settings and ensuring that FlexNet Connect is not being blocked by any security software, but the issue persists. I'm wondering if there might be some compatibility issues between FlexNet Connect and gaming desktops.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with FlexNet Connect on a gaming desktop? And if so, do you have any suggestions for resolving this issue?

I'd appreciate any advice or insights into this topic. Thank you in advance for your help!

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Hi @sharonsmith ,

The recommendation would be to contact the Software Provider(s) with whom you are expecting to get updates via FlexNet Connect.



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