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Level 6

Is it possible to not add the program to the updates manager?

I've got the SDK version 4 and am using InstallShield 10.5 SP1.

Is it possible to not add the program to the update manager, but still let people check from updates manually (ie from an application menu that I provide)?
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(6) Replies
Level 7

I'm afraid not. The Update Manager accesses the same database that the agent (regular Update Service) uses. A user can however launch the Update Manager and configure it so that it does not check for updates for particular products.

PS: The reason you see Product Codes in the snapshot is because those products don't have corresponding entries in the Uninstall key (in Registry).
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Level 6

Thanks Chandima.

I don't understand why you are forcing me and my users to do something we don't want to do though. You're installing and configuring something behind our backs. It might be a 'cool feature' but it's a 'cool feature' I could really do without.
0 Kudos
Level 6

PS 'At least' is spelt wrong on the screen.
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Level 7

It seemed like a good idea at the time :D.

We are not doing anything special for the Update Manager to detect your products. Regardless, I created work order 1-13L9AG as a feature request to keep track of this. Thanks for the feedback.
0 Kudos
Level 7

You're installing and configuring something behind our backs. It might be a 'cool feature' but it's a 'cool feature' I could really do without.

Heh, I'm with you on this. I spent plenty of time complaining about the Update Manager. It seems they had good intentions with it, but I definitely hate it. 🙂 Here's hoping that they will either remove it or really reduce it's presence in the next version.
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Level 8

I get complaints regularly about this and to the point where I have to consider if I'm continuing with the update service or not. People do not like to have "things" installed on their system beyond their control and I've received quite colorful e-mails on this topic. But even worse, since version 3 of ISUS this tremendously racks up the user count causing us licensing issues i.e. requiring to pay a higher tier. Which baffles me since the first tier with the free version is 50,000 users, and you can start out at 10% of that if you pay a high premium!
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