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Level 5

Agent COM interface

Our application is created with Macromedia Director and we have the ability to call functions inside a DLL. I want to call the functions from the Update Service Agent, but i really don't know if' i'm able to do this by just having the functionality as described above.

Does somebody know if i can call the Agent API by just using DLL calls.

Macromedia Director supports the script languages Lingo and JavaScript.
If the DLL call functionality is not sufficient, can JavaScript do the trick?

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(3) Replies
Level 9

I don't know Macromedia Director well enough to tell you if it has restrictions, but yes, as the Update Service agent sports a COM interface, you should be able to work with it.

The simplest example of using it, is to look at the VB example...
Dim pAgent as Object
Set pAgent = CreateObject( "DWUpdateService.Agent" )
pAgent.AppUpdate "{C4091E43-4FC0-11D5-8C6C-00104B9747FA}", AppMenu

That simple set right there will check for updates... granted you would need to register your app first, but it really is quite simple.

A slightly complex example can be found:

0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks for your reply.

I investigated the possibilities for interfacing with the agent COM client a bit further and i decided to make a C++ executable that will call the API of the agent COM client. The macromedia director application will then call the C++ executable.

Unfortunately, The URL you provided doesn't work.
I took a look at the example given at the AppUpdate API function, but i am not able to compile it. I think the example is intended for use with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, but i'm using the Borland C++ Builder compiler.

Perhaps you know if there's a working example for the Borland C++ Builder available?

0 Kudos
Level 9

I'm afraid that I don't know of any internally, but hopefully someone else here in the community will have used it.


Marcel_NL wrote:
Perhaps you know if there's a working example for the Borland C++ Builder available?

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