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Level 4

How to make a message "Next Use" once only


Here's the scenario I'm trying to address:

I have an update for deployment, and added an update message to the product.

I want users to see it right away, so I set it to "Next Use".

The user may not want to deal with it right now, so ignores the update.

Since the message is set to "Next Use", it will show up again upon next launch, ad nauseum.

After the message was read once, I prefer that it behaves like a "Scheduled" message.

Short of manually changing the message behaviour, is there any way to achieve this?


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(1) Reply
Level 10

Something like this might work for you....

> Call Has HasIntervalElapsed() to see if you should check for updates. Preset the scheduled interval to 1 day.

> If yes, call AutoUpdate() to check for a critical update

> if found, display a dialog (update found, do you want to install it? with remind me later allow the user to choose 3 days/ 7 days/ 30 days)

> if user chooses to install, Call AutoUpdate to download and install the update and call SetScheduledInterval() to set the next interval check to '1'. That will force your application to start checking for update each day again.

> if user chooses remind me later, call SetScheduledInterval to set the next interval check to '30' days or what ever value the customer desires.
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