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Level 3

How to Remove the shortcuts after Update?

I used the InstallShield Express Visual FoxPro LE 3.5 to create the setup of my application, and I have enabled the UpdateService for this application. I have a new update for my application now.

The installation of the update is fine, my application is running (as updated) normaly, but when I am trying to uninstall application (as updated) the update is not removed (I mean the .exe file of my application is not uninstalled after uninstallation)... Along with the desktop and the start menu shortcuts... (after update)
Looks like while uninstalling, the installshield is removing the application with the old product code (not the updated one) but it's keeping the updated application (with its shortcuts)
How can I make the uninstallation removes update along with its shortcuts?
Please guys Help!
0 Kudos
(3) Replies
Level 9

Shouldn't your update setup remove the old version (so you don't have to versions installed at the same time) in the first place? Did you change the ProductCode and added the old version to the Previous versions view?
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos
Level 3

thank for replyin sir!
what i meant was that i kept the same product code but i changed the product version...
so how can i make this new update (with the old product code and a new product version ) removed during uninstall?
Pierre Sabbagh.
0 Kudos
Level 9

InstallShield Express does not support "Minor Updates", only "Major Upgrades" which require a change in ProductCode. However I'm not sure if even that is possible in your FoxPro limited edition.
Uninstall should automaically remove everything it installed. A verbose MSI log might help you to find out what's going on, see

BTW this is not an Update Service question but really an InstallShield Express question. You may get better answers if you re-post (and re-phrase) your question in the appropriate section of this board.
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos