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Level 2

Warnig while building a patch

Hi All !
I want to replace one file which is present in the developed kit setup.Now I want to replace that file by new file by means of patch.What my problem is the version of the file in the existing kit is higher than the new file version.So it gives the warning as follows.

"ISDEV : warning -6495: The version for file 'libfrmbus.dll.6E506EF2_4E1C_46C1_B504_79325B2495C8' only differs past the third version element. It must differ within the first three elements of the version string" .

I am using Install Shiled Developer 8 to create a patch.

How can I overcome this warning.Any one help me.

Thank you,
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(1) Reply
Level 9

This is a false warning, see (search the page for 6495)
However your new file should have a higher version number than the old file, otherwise it will not be replaced. Windows Installer prevents downgrades.
Stefan Krueger
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