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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Error 13003 - Update Service does not recognize this product

I keep getting an "Update Service does not recognize this product" message (Error 13003)... yet the Product is registered and should be recognized.

Not sure its related but there also seems to be a great deal of difficulty in product recognition when the version number is something like 1.01 or 1.10. Or the version is of the Build sort like 1.01.XXXX.

Why would this happen? What should I be checking to make sure the product can be recognized? And what is up with the versioning?
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(3) Replies
Level 10

By default, the ISUS uses only the (major.minor) portion of the version string ( You can override that behavior if you want to use the full version string. Either way, the version string set in your installation needs to 'string match' to the version on the Notificaiton server.

Below is some information on your error and a link to a KB that should help. Additional information is available in the online help.


13003: Version not registered with the Update Service

Your product version is not registered on the Update Service Publisher Website. The Update Service reads your product version and passes that to the Update Service Website. You must have an exact (string) match between the version registered on your local machine and the version registered on the Update Service Website. The Test Utility application (included with the InstallShield Update Service SDK) will display the version of your product currently registered with the Update Service runtime. The field "Version" needs to be a string match with the version you have registered on the Update Service Website.
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Level 2

I am also having this problem and cannot seem to figure out what is going on. After the installation, when Update Service connects out to look for updates it tells me this Version is not registered, although I feel I have double checked every setting.

I've downloaded the latest greatest FLEXnet SDK and do not have any Test Utility. Is there somewhere I need to go to download the Update Service SDK (as opposed to the FLEXnet SDK I get off the FLEXnet Connect main page?)

Any help would be appreciated, I am in a crunch right now.

0 Kudos
Level 9

Hi AAcesUp,

Regarding your issue with Product not recognized... I'm assuming you're a hosted-service customer. If so, you can call the Macrovision support folks who will be able to have a look at your product & info on the publisher site to see if it's all correct. They'll be your fastest resource to checking out settings related to your product and visibility.

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