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Level 6

Customer usage stats


Our customer usage stats on the service home page are all wrong. They're showing 10,000+ users which doesn't tie in to what the reports are telling me. Any ideas?
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(11) Replies
Level 8

LOL, I have 2 users now! 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 9

Wow, that sounds different. I'm going to send a note to one of our folks who specializes in the reports to see if he has any feedback about this or has seen anything.

0 Kudos
Level 8

I was referring to the main "guage" on the first screen. It's foobar'd too! Isn't this just dandy! Q/A?
0 Kudos
Level 3

To Neil Davidson:
The home page tracks the total number of users since usage of the Update Service began for your company for your current license. If you look at total usage 'year to date' in reporting you are only seeing usage from the beginning of this year (last 10 days) so the numbers will be much lower.

To Neal007:
You were recently granted a new license and the dial only shows users for the time period of your current license. This way you are only charged for the number of current users, not for a user who downloaded an update 2 years ago, but hasn't used your software since.
0 Kudos
Level 8

Thanks, but, I wasn't granted a "NEW" license, I simply renewed my existing license to continue use. I pay quarterly. I would not expect to lose prior statistics through a renewal of any kind.
0 Kudos
Level 9


Noel has an idea in mind for a feature request for this so you can see quantities of users for prior licenses. PM him your ideas so he has other input.


neal007 wrote:
Thanks, but, I wasn't granted a "NEW" license, I simply renewed my existing license to continue use. I pay quarterly. I would not expect to lose prior statistics through a renewal of any kind.
0 Kudos
Level 8

The problem here is that there is a conflict in YOUR use and MY use. You obviously are using this system to track license limits. I already have problems with the current system vice v2 since now EVERYONE gets tracked by the new update manager where before we could control who counted and who didn't so I didn't get hit for evaluation users.

I have an "account" not a license, and therefore all activity on my "account" should be recorded for my statistics. It just makes no sense to reset this over and over again, it actually takes away from the service IMHO.
0 Kudos
Level 9

It is duly noted to me, though I don't make all the product decisions. You're obviously very interested in the topic, so be sure to contact Noel so he can take it into account for the direction the product heads. You've probably been around long enough to see the suggestions made by customers become implemented in the products, so always make yourself heard. (Same goes for all our customers)

Guess the short point is: we do listen and try our best to get your suggestions into the product, so use the feedback link on the publisher site so that it goes to the decision makers.

0 Kudos
Level 8


There is no doubt in my mind a dedicated and interested program manager is watching a forum related to his/her product. Therefore, I certainly am not going to increase my arthritis to repeat to Noel what he's seeing here. It's well documented on this forum - our request, and he PM'd an apology to me this morning for today's snaffoo and lack of prior notification, so I'm confident this bird is hawking the prey here! 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 6

Our current licence started on 21st December 2004. This was under a month ago, so there's no way we've got 10,000+ users.
0 Kudos
Level 9


Pleas e see your PMs for the info I'll need to check this out. Once I get that info, Noel and I will check into your account to see if anything's amiss.


neildavidson wrote:
Our current licence started on 21st December 2004. This was under a month ago, so there's no way we've got 10,000+ users.
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