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Level 3

Comparing InstallShield's Update service

I am investigating for my company the use of InstallShield's update service, either them hosting the server or us hosting. I am looking for feedback from users of Installshield Update service about how happy they are with the service, how it compares with other third party update services, how using installShield's update service compares to developing the service yourself, etc.
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(2) Replies
Level 9

You can find some case studies about InstallShield Update Service at
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for the link to the case studies I hadn't discovered those before looking at InstallShield's site. Still I would like to hear directly from those who are using IS update service and how they decided on using IS's rather than another third party service or writing it themselves. The case studies address this somewhat but I would like to get input from others as well if possible.
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