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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Can't set agent to use local notification server...?

I'm trying to point the agent at our local notification server, so I set the property DWUSHOST when I register the product code.

Ex :

// Create agent

// Register product code/version
THR(spAgent->Register(bstrGuid, bstrVer))

// Disable scheduler
CComBSTR bstrName = _T("UseScheduler");
CComVariant vtVal = L"0";
THR(spAgent->put_value(bstrGuid, bstrName, vtVal))

// Set local notification server
bstrName = _T("DWUSHOST");
vtVal = _T("");
THR(spAgent->put_value(bstrGuid, bstrName, vtVal))

Does this seem correct? If so, it doesn't seem to be working... the agent is still going out to the installshield notification server.

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(2) Replies
Level 3

The keyword in the product ini file (which I think is what you are trying to set) is actually "Server". Also, if you are entering it directly into the product ini, you need to add a trailing forward slash to the pathurl.

So, the following would be valid:
// Set local notification server
bstrName = _T("Server");
vtVal = _T("");
THR(spAgent->put_value(bstrGuid, bstrName, vtVal))

However, we provide a method to do this directly:
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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Ohhh yeah, sorry. When I searched the help files for setting the local notification server I saw that other property and just assumed that was what needed to be set. I'll just use SetHost(), thanks.
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