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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

how to make the patch can be applied more than once?

I create a patch to apply over an old version. The patch replace the files if they are new and do some new configuration according to these files. But if apply the patch for second time, the patch won't install any new files, then the configuration mess. So, the patch can only be applied once. It is therefore quite dangerous tool as the customer may run that more than once. Could you tell me how can i make the patch can be run more than once or how to detect that the patch already be run and give warning to user?

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(1) Reply
Level 10

If you are using the Update Service, there are several ways to ensure the same patch is not shown to the user after he has already applied it.

1. the patch can increment the version of your product.
2. you can add a condition to the update message that ensures that the patch is not shown to a user after the patch has been applied.

You can also add controls to the patch so that it cannot be run a second time. To get more information on that, you are probably better off to post a question into the community for the installer tool (Express/ Developer/ Professional) that you are using.
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