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Level 8

Collect default info gone in IS 11?

I noticed this property is missing in IS 11. Is that "feature" gone now?
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(5) Replies
Level 9

The property is still available from the Update Service standpoint, you'll want to post this query to the IS 11 forum to see if anything needs to be done to have it show again.

neal007 wrote:
I noticed this property is missing in IS 11. Is that "feature" gone now?
0 Kudos
Level 8

KellyF wrote:
you'll want to post this query to the IS 11 forum to see if anything needs to be done to have it show again.


Ummm, customer service 101: I, the paying out of my yinyang customer, has brought my concern to Macrovisions (your) attention. I'm done posting. YOU (Macrovision) had this property in IS 10.5, it relates to ISUS, and now it's gone without anyone tellling me this was going to go away. What's going to go away next that we were using in a prior version? Is the API going to disappear next and I can't get updates?????
0 Kudos
Level 9

This forum is for USERS of the products to discuss things, it's not an official arm of Macrovision support. If it was, you'd see rules and regulations and much more stringent requirements on posts, etc. I periodically troll the forum because I want to know what problems users are having to see if/how I can make things better. I am not a customer support person. Though, I do now openly question why I even bother...

Neal, when I post to Microsoft's users forum complaining that my C# app is broken when I run it under the latest 2.0 beta, Microsoft (the corporation) doesn't care one iota. I had to post directly to their official channels for my complaint to be recognized. Perhaps you recognize the similarity? Perhaps not. Regardless, if you simply post here and do not use any official channel, then you're just venting, which is fine. It's nice to blow off steam once in a while... and as I've posted many times about the "official" channels, I'll leave it at that...


PS. Microsoft was surprisingly supportive of my complaint when I went there, though the community forums I posted to tried telling me my perfectly functional .NET 1.1 app was in the wrong.

PPS. In my previous post, I was letting you know that questions about the installer product have their own forum.

** Obviously this is one instance where I am posting of my own accord and not in relation to my company **

neal007 wrote:
Ummm, customer service 101: I, the paying out of my yinyang customer, has brought my concern to Macrovisions (your) attention. I'm done posting. YOU (Macrovision) had this property in IS 10.5, it relates to ISUS, and now it's gone without anyone tellling me this was going to go away. What's going to go away next that we were using in a prior version? Is the API going to disappear next and I can't get updates?????
0 Kudos
Level 8


Is Noel not concerned that one of his properties is no longer in IS 11? Was/Is he aware?

Didn't we discuss some time back that ISUS is a service that our businesses depend on. Therefore, if there are going to be any changes whatsoever in this service (not product)...WE MUST be informed PRIOR to the change. I have not received such information prior to my purchase of IS 11 or from my subscription to the ISUS service " and so will no longer exist in ...". Thank God I received an e-mail that ISUS 4.5 is coming out June 12th, but I am shocked that it hasn't been posted here OR on my ISUS management web site!

Without a doubt, Macrovision has MAJOR communication problems. The right hand is not talking to the left hand and I am in the middle and getting very frustrated. For someone considering investing more "money out the yinyang" for the Activation service, this sure makes me think twice!

Has Macrovision become so big that they can't hear any more? Read the community...all methods of communication YOU solicit.
0 Kudos
Level 9


Thank you again for your comments. I'm quite certain that Noel will be interested in this; and the fact that the Installer team changed something which impacts our customers is of a concern as well. (Though I'm still certain you'd receive a message from other users of IS 11 in the other forum) I'm an engineer and will pass on the note, however, as a customer, your communication via the feedback mechanism holds more weight than my opinions (as you can probably tell, I give management plenty of feedback 😄 ).

Posts here are seen by a few of us engineers that troll the site, and occasionally others... however, I do not believe that upper management frequents the site. They care tremendously, to be sure, but they also stick to those "well defined" communication methods.

The "System Maintenance" notice on the login page of the publisher site refers to the system-wide upgrade. Judging by your reference to the email, I take it you've received that communication as well. The choices as well as the messages involved in the communication are outside my control, but are there other forms of communication we could/should provide to you as a customer? Please realize that I am asking for my own benefit, and I may or may not impact any decisions made by management.

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