Affected Version:
The timeout feature was introduced in 5.5.4 and broke in 5.5.10. Now it got fixed in 5.5.31 release.
The default timeout value is 9999. Here are the steps to update the value for timeout session.
1. Please make sure the Data Platform is on 5.5.4 - 5.5.9 or 5.5.31 + version.
2. Please follow the below step to update the login_timeout value accordingly:
a. Go to "DP installation directory"\Data Platform\NormalizeConsole\web.config
b. Update the timeout value for below node.
<add key="login_timeout" value="99999"/>
<add key="is_session" value="0"/>
Jul 06, 2020 12:45 PM - edited Jul 06, 2020 12:54 PM
@gliu Can you please give more insight about "login_timeout" and "is_session" parameter and its value? I'm looking for the session timeout parameter to be altered when the session is idle for 'x' mins for data platform and User console.
For "login_timeout", the value is in seconds. If you have not touched the Admin or User Console UI within the value of "login_timeout", you will be kicked out, and the UI will jump to the login page. And you only need to update the value of the "login_timeout" parameter to update the timeout value.
I included the "is_session" in the code snippet to facilitate you to locate the "login_timeout" parameter.
If you have questions regarding the "is_session", I would recommend you log a Support case for that.
Thanks for the detailed info! It seems modifying the TimeoutSetting parameter in specific XML files is the way to go for Data Platform UI login timeout adjustment. However, exercising caution is important as this might only apply to specific versions (5.5.4-5.5.9 or 5.5.20+) and authentication models (AD/LDAP).