This article details the steps to resolve the Workflow Manager "Click here to view details" Links to Error.
In Workflow Manager upon clicking on the "Click here to view details" included at the bottom of emails, you may receive an error like: "We can't find 'C:\AdminStudioWebComponents_2015\wwwroot\aspx\emailresponse.aspx?ATTYPE=201&&APPID=cdc077fb-dc4a-461e-a632-46376100cbf7&&IID=1559bb58-44ee-400f-9385-b4e0f061402f'. Please make sure you're using the correct location or web address."
This is due to a setting in the web.config not being populated correctly.
In the web.config located in wwwroot folder, change the AMSWebServer element to something like:
<add key="AMSWebServer" value="http://<WFMDOMAINNAME>:<PORT>/"></add>