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If there is a proxy server between AdminStudio and network resources it needs to reach, you may need a connection through and authentication with the proxy server. You can connect with the proxy server by running the following query in your AdminStudio database.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[cssysProxyConnectionInfo]
([Name], [ProxyURL], [Username], [Password])
(<Name, nvarchar(50),>,<ProxyURL, nvarchar(255),>,<Username, nvarchar(100),>,<Password, nvarchar(100),>)


  • The Name field is just an identifier. Set this to the name you’d like.
  • The ProxyURL is the proxy server URL.
  • The Username is the username used to authenticate against the proxy server.
  • The Password is the password used to authenticate against the proxy server.
    • The password must be encrypted. To get the encrypted value of the password, create a new distribution system and enter the password you created. Then, you can get the encrypted password by looking at the Password\SharePassword column values in the cssysConnectionInfo table in the AdminStudio database.
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Last update:
‎Nov 30, 2023 09:38 AM
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