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Transform package opening error

Hi ,

when i created a transform package through Tuner (with response file) and edit with devstudio , i addin the detail to the General Info and saved , when i try to reopen again , it gave me this error

anyone can help ?? :confused:

InstallShield Tuner
Windows Installer Error 2246: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\wac13B.tmp, ,
MsiDatabaseApplyTransform(C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\IRESS - Felix 1.10.mst)

InstallShield Tuner
No Msi Database is currently opened.
(11) Replies
What size is the MST file after saving in DevStudio?
Can you open the mst file in orca?
the file size grown from 4kb to abt 2000kb (the same size as the msi file) ,

yes , opened with ORCA , but what shoud i checked there ?

It appears that you somehow saved the changes in MST into the MSI, and kept MST extension. Your MST file is actually a MSI in disguise. I am not sure if you intended to do that...
no , my intention is purely on create a mst package , i follow the same way i create the mst package for my other application which i do not have such issue . and this only when i did some edit at the general info. area . :confused:
Please let me know what version of adminstudio you are using. This is a bug with the older versions and there is a work around.
i'm using adminstudio 5.5, is there any patches for this ?

There is no explicit patch for this. This problem is resolved in 6.0 however I am trying to locate the file that fixes this in 5.5.
Hi Paul , is this type of fixes published at Installshield site ?
I checked on this issue and there is no hotfix available for this. I apologize for this inconvienance. The only work around would be to upgrade to AS 6.
no problem ,anyway thanks for your help
Hi Paul , AS6 don't solve this problem also , already tried on that ......