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Decompiling MSI

I have created an MSI with AdminStudio/Editor. However, I have accidently scrapped my ISM file :rolleyes: :eek: . Is there a way to take my MSI and extract the ISM and source files from it?
(3) Replies
Yes and No.

MSI is a very open database format, but you might have done things such as create compiled InstallScipt custom actions that you won't have the source to. Or perhaps you had multiple product configs so not all your features are in the built MSI.
If you open IS Editor and Select File-Open you can select your .msi. On the bottom of the selection of the Open dialog Window make sure you change the Open As selection to Wizard. The next dialog window will allow you to convert the msi (it also works for .msm although I have personally never used it for msm translations) into an ism project file. I have used this feature many times on native msi files from manufacturers in order to recompile them into my standard required format of a single-file setup.exe that caches to a specific directory on the local machine for repair purposes. This conversion will give you a log of any errors or complications that occur for issues such as CA's if difficulties arrise.

Good Luck!
😉 Hi Mike,
Funny how dialog boxes can hide such cool and important features. Selecting the "Wizard" feature, I was able to recreate the ISM. It saved my .... soul !!!!

😛 😄
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