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How Many Times Does the Usage Intelligence SDK Call Home and How Much Traffic Does Each Call Generate?

How Many Times Does the Usage Intelligence SDK Call Home and How Much Traffic Does Each Call Generate?

The Usage Intelligence SDK is designed to be lightweight and by default it will call home when ruiSartSDK() is called, and every 20 minutes after that while the application is running. The SDK uses a caching mechanism to log usage statistics on disk, and when it’s time to call home the data is compressed and sent to the server using minimal bandwidth. Once the call home request completes, the data will be available in the Product Dashboard straight away.

The size of the data sent to the server greatly depends on how much data needs to be synced. Since log data is compressed before it is sent to the server, the larger the file the better the compression ratio. For example a sync containing 100 events will be an average of 2KB in size while 500 events will be an average of 3KB. Note that these values are based on events with a combined event category and name of 40 characters or less and will vary depending on the length of the category, name and any custom data logged with the event.

If there is a problem with the internet connection, the data remains cached until the connection is restored and the SDK is able to call home successfully. This makes the data collection process reliable and efficient by avoiding unnecessary requests to the server, unlike web APIs where a web request has to be generated for each event.

Further requests to the server may be generated if the application makes API calls that require a real-time response, such as validating a license key or checking for ReachOut™ messages.

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Last update:
‎May 05, 2023 04:04 PM
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