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Level 4

uninstall with msiexec


After uninstallation program with msiexec /x "Produkt.msi" I still have program in Add/Remove in control panel and if I launch setup.exe again it still run with MAINTENANCE mode. What's problem? Can anyone help me?

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(4) Replies
Level 6

Maybe the uninstall encountered an error and rolled back. I would enable MSI logging before starting the uninstall and then check the log.

You can enable MSI logging by default via Registry by creating the following path and key:

Reg_SZ: Logging
Value: voicewarmup

The log files will be created in your temp folder as MSI*.log

Or just add /L to the commandline call

e.g. msiexec /x "Produkt.msi" /Lvoicewarmup c:\tmp\uninstall.log

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Level 3

Incase anyone else was wondering what voicewarmup was:

v Verbose output
o Out-of-disk-space messages
i Status messages
c Initial UI parameters
e All error messages
w Non-fatal warnings
a Start up of actions
r Action-specific records
m Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
u User requests
p Terminal properties
+ Append to existing file
! Flush each line to the log
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Level 10

What kind of product is the installation? If it is an InstallScript MSI, and you uninstall by running msiexec, you skip any scripted functionality you have authored in, and you also leave behind the registry uninstall keys that the script creates to facilitate a scripted uninstall from Add/Remove Programs.
0 Kudos
Level 3

KathyMorey wrote:
What kind of product is the installation? If it is an InstallScript MSI, and you uninstall by running msiexec, you skip any scripted functionality you have authored in, and you also leave behind the registry uninstall keys that the script creates to facilitate a scripted uninstall from Add/Remove Programs.

Why is that? I have encountered this behaviour and thought it a bug, since after removing everything except the registry uninstall keys, the behaviour described in the first post applies (i.e. maintenance only; trying to use the uninstall option displays an error message saying that the application needs to be installed for this action to be performed)

Is there a way of using msiexec.exe to perform a full uninstall for InstallScript MSI scripts projects?
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