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Level 3

trouble about a "@10550,10551;1;0;;0,128,128" string


I make a new Install Shield Project with the existing dialogs, and also a new one I create without a model.

I want to see the same banner like the standard other dialog, but I don't kow how to make that.
In the place of the picture, I have this string :


When I search in the forums, I find message about a bug that was corrected in IS 8 SP1...

For information, I use installshield pro 2009 with windows XP.

thanks for yours responses.
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Is the control for the banner on your custom dialog using control ID 1200? If not, change its control ID to 1200, rebuild, and test again.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you ! it's good now.

But I have another question, where can I see the informations about control ID reserved ? I don't find it in the help functions...
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