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Level 3

setText() for ISTextField is not displaying the value


In a dialog, I wanted to get the value from a variable in VPD and display in a ISTextField control

My code looks something like this:

String var = context.getServices().getISDatabase().getVaraiableValue ("IS_VAR1");

ISTextField textField = arg0.getISPanel().getTextField ("fieldName");

textField.setText (var);

I tried having the above few lines in

enteredDIALOG ()


initializeUIDIALOG () as well.

But the value is not seen in the dialog.

Could someone confirm, what is going wrong and if I need to anything as well ?

Also, which is the correct event to use ? initializeUI or entered ?

Thanks in advance for the help.
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(2) Replies
Level 4

Try this in your initializeUI method:

String text = context.resolveString("$V(IS_VAR1)");
ISTextField textField = arg0.getISPanel().getTextField ("fieldName");
textField.setText (text);


0 Kudos
Level 3

Your reply solved my problem. Thank You.
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