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Level 6

set up in windows 7


Could you give me some suggestion for win 7 migrationi?

I need to crate a setup package which need to be installed both in windows 7 and XP. For example, a component named mydll.dll, It need to be instaled under c:\A direcotry for windows xp and C:\B direcotry for windows 7, how can I do setting for this component when it is shipped.

I created two compnents, one is mydll.dllxp the destination is c:\A, the other is mydll.dll7 the destination is c:\B and set the condition with the versionNT to 501 and 601 for different OS, could you please let me know the best solution from IS?

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Level 12

Another approach is to have 1 component, and change its destination using Custom Action Type 35 based on the OS.
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