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Level 4

sequencing 2 uninstall events


I have two CA's that I want to run, one at the beginning of the uninstall and one at the very end of the uninstall. I understand the conditions to kick these off (Not Installed And Remove="ALL") but I'm not sure where to put them in the sequence, and in what context...

I want one to kick off at the very beginning of the uninstall (before any files are touched), and one to kick off at the very end (after the files are removed by the uninstaller).

Any point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated,
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

To schedule something after files are removed, you'll want to place it somewhere in the Execute sequence after RemoveFiles in deferred mode; mind the capitalization, too: I think the condition wants to be REMOVE="ALL". (The Not Installed condition detects a first-time installation.)

To schedule something at the beginning of the uninstall: if the action isn't touching the target system, immediate mode in the Execute sequence is fine (anywhere after InstallValidate, so REMOVE="ALL" does what you want). If it does touch the target system, deferred after InstallInitialize is as early as you can get.
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Level 4

Thanks for that Robert (sorry for the late reply, been out for the holidays)

I put my first CA in, the one to touch the system prior to doing anything else, set it in "Deferred Execution", after "InstallInitialize" in the Install Exec Sequence with the condition of REMOVE="ALL" and it's giving me weird behavior.

If I remove the app from the Add/Remove Applications panel by hitting the Remove button, the CA kicks off but doesn't do the job it's supposed to (rename a directory). Same if I open up the installer's maintenance window. When I tried to generate a log by running setup.exe /x /v"/lv logfile.log" however, the CA works and my uninstall happens just as I expected it to the first time. It consistently works if I run the uninstall from the command line, and consistently fails if I remove it from Add/Remove programs.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?

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