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Level 2

reading the username textbox in customer info dialog

I am trying to read the username textbox within the customer information dialog. I need this along with the serial number to authenticate the install. Can anyone help me out with this?
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Level 17

InstallShield Express only supports the serial number validate function with the following parameters :

ValidateSN(HWND hwnd, LPSTR szSrcDir, LPSTR szSupport, LPSTR szSerialNum, LPSTR szDbase)

It does not take the User Name setting that you can specify on the Customer Information dialog nor a MSI handle.

So you may want to consider creating your own MSI DLL custom action to validate a serial number, and scheduling it after the Customer Information dialog in the Custom Actions view. Note that the User Name setting is stored in the USERNAME Windows Installer property, and the Serial Number setting is stored in the ISX_SERIALNUM property. Once your custom action validates a serial nubmer, it would need to set the result to a custom Windows Installer property. You still need to write a serial number DLL (ValidateSN function) for the Custom Information dialog so that it would return a value based on the value of the property that stores the validation result.

InstallShield sequences the serial number DLL file custom action after any user-defined custom actions. Thus, if you add your own custom action and schedule it after the Customer Information dialog, the installation launches this custom action before the serial number DLL file custom action.

Hope that helps.
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