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Level 4

msiexec /uninstall does not remove installed folder/files


I am trying to uninstall the previously installed product by using the below command but it is not removing the installed folder/files. It doesn't create any log file as well. It seems that it only removes the registry entries.

msiexec.exe /uninstall {product code} /quiet /qn /l*v %TEMP%\installlog.log"

I am running this command using function LaunchAppAndWait(szUninstallCmd,"",LAAW_OPTION_WAIT|LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN );

What is going wrong here? Am I doing anything wrong?

I need to do it this way only due to some situation.

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(3) Replies
Level 5

Hello Jignesh,
Do these so called folders have any files created within them after the initial installation? Does your application create any files during it's runtime such as configuration data etc.

If that is the case, then such files will not be removed by windows installer since they were not installed by it in the first place.

The best way to figure this out is from the windows installer log.
The log will definitely tell you whats going on here.

Kiran Hegde
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Level 4

Thanks for your reply Kiran,

Yes, I am copying my user manual and release note pdf files using insallscript. This is because I wanted to give flexibility to client to put their updated pdf manuals in one folder and installer will install it.

I have found an alternative way of removing files manually through installscript. But have not analyzed the WI logs. I will try to do that once get some spare time.

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Level 5

Yes, you can always remove a folder or file using Installscript.
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